Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quilt Camp

The summer after I graduated from high school, my aunt came to visit from California. She brought quilting fabric so that she and my other aunt could make little wall hangings. They had some extra fabric and let me join in. I had sewn a bit before that day but hadn't done anything quite like this. Soon, we were joined by my mom and her friends, each creating their version of the wall hanging. We gathered at my Grandma's house and sewed all day long. Since then, it has been tradition to meet every August and hold quilt camp. We have had people join us from California and Washington and even from Slovakia. It is a great time to get together and sew with friends. Last year, I was on maternity leave and got to spend the whole week.

This year, I was only able to spend Saturday at Quilt Camp. Due to travels and other commitments, it ended up being mostly my aunt and I but we had fun anyway. I was able to machine sew on the binding from my Halloween Quilt. I also added borders on a quilt I started a few years back. I made it using jelly rolls (2 1/2 inch strips) and charm packs (5 inch squares). If you don't know what these are, they are pre-cut fabric collections put out by Moda. I love them because it lets you get all of the fabric in one line without having to shell out so much cash. Many quilt designers are creating patterns using these collections.

The quilt called for an additional border between the peach and blue of random strips but I decided to go without it. The fabric line is Dandelion Girl by Fig Tree Quilts. These aren't my typical colors but the original charm pack was a gift and I fell in love. I am happy with the way it turned out.

I was also able to take pictures of the puppy dog quilt that I finished a few weeks ago. My son has already cuddled up on it.

Finally, I thought I would share a picture of the alpaca we met at the county fair this weekend. He was at the petting zoo and my husband put a quarter in the food dispenser. This alpaca decided he didn't want to wait for my husband to feed him.